." Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ." .TH policytool 1 "18 Jul 2013" .LP .SH "Name" policytool \- PolicyTool Administration GUI Utility .LP \f3policytool\fP reads and writes a plain text policy file based on user input via the utility GUI. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .LP .LP Run the policytool Administrator's utility .LP .LP \f4policytool\fP .LP .LP Run policytool and load the specified policy file .LP .LP \f4policytool\fP\f2[\-file\ \fP\f2filename\fP\f2]\fP .LP .LP where: .LP .RS 3 .TP 3 file directs \f2policytool\fP to load a local policy file .TP 3 filename The file name .RE .LP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .LP .LP \f3policytool\fP is a GUI that allows users to create and manage policy files. For details, see .na \f2the Policytool Users Guide\fP @ .fi http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/PolicyGuide.html. .LP .SH "OPTIONS" .LP .RS 3 .TP 3 file Loads \f2filename\fP. .RE .LP .SH "SEE ALSO" .LP .na \f2Default Policy Implementation and Syntax\fP @ .fi http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/PolicyFiles.html .br .LP .na \f2Policy Tool Users' Guide\fP @ .fi http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/PolicyGuide.html .br .LP .na \f2Security Permissions\fP @ .fi http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/permissions.html .br .LP .na \f2Security Overview\fP @ .fi http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/overview/jsoverview.html .br .LP