'\" t .\" Copyright: Copyright (c) 1994, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. .\" Arch: Generic .\" Software: Oracle Java .\" Date: August 2013 .\" SectDesc: User Commands .\" Title: javafxpackager.1 .\" .pl 99999 .TH javafxpackager 1 "August 2013" "Oracle Java" "User Commands" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH NAME javafxpackager \- A tool with commands that perform tasks related to packaging and signing JavaFX applications\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .nf javafxpackager \fI\-taskcommand\fR\fI[\-options]\fR .fi .nf .fi where \fI-taskcommand\fR is one of the following: .RE .PP -createjar .RS 4 Produces a JAR archive according to other parameters\&. .RE .PP -deploy .RS 4 Assembles the application package for redistribution\&. By default, the deploy task will generate the base application package, but it can also generate a self-contained application package if requested\&. .RE .PP -createbss .RS 4 Converts CSS files into binary form\&. .RE .PP -signJar .RS 4 Signs JAR file(s) with a provided certificate\&. .RE .PP -makeall .RS 4 Performs compilation, \fIcreatejar\fR, and \fIdeploy\fR steps as one call, with most arguments predefined\&. By default, it attempts to generate all applicable self-contained application packages\&. The source files must be located in a folder called src, and the resulting files (JAR, JNLP, HTML, and self-contained application packages) are put in a folder called dist\&. This command can only be configured in a minimal way and is as automated as possible\&. .PP Note that all options are case-insensitive\&. .SH OPTIONS\ FOR\ THE\ CREATEJAR\ COMMAND .RE .PP -appclass \fI\fR .RS 4 Qualified name of the application class to be executed\&. .RE .PP -preloader \fI\fR .RS 4 Qualified name of the preloader class to be executed\&. .RE .PP -paramfile .RS 4 A properties file with default named application parameters\&. .RE .PP -argument arg .RS 4 An unnamed argument to be inserted into the JNLP file as an \fI\fR element\&. .RE .PP -classpath \fI\fR .RS 4 List of dependent JAR file names\&. .RE .PP -manifestAttrs \fI\fR .RS 4 List of additional manifest attributes\&. Syntax: .nf "name1=value1,name2=value2,name3=value3" .fi .RE .PP -noembedlauncher .RS 4 If present, the packager will not add the JavaFX launcher classes to the JAR file\&. .RE .PP -nocss2bin .RS 4 The packager will not convert CSS files to binary form before copying to JAR\&. .RE .PP -runtimeversion \fI\fR .RS 4 Version of the required JavaFX Runtime\&. .RE .PP -outdir \fI\fR .RS 4 Name of the directory that will receive generated output files\&. .RE .PP -outfile \fI\fR .RS 4 Name (without the extension) of the file that will be generated\&. .RE .PP -srcdir \fI\fR .RS 4 Base directory of the files to package\&. .RE .PP -srcfiles \fI\fR .RS 4 List of files in \fIsrcdir\fR\&. If omitted, all files in \fIsrcdir\fR (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used\&. .SH OPTIONS\ FOR\ THE\ DEPLOY\ COMMAND .SH OPTIONS\ FOR\ THE\ CREATEBSS\ COMMAND .RE .PP -outdir \fI\fR .RS 4 Name of the directory that will receive generated output files\&. .RE .PP -srcdir \fI\fR .RS 4 Base directory of the files to package\&. .RE .PP -srcfiles \fI\fR .RS 4 List of files in \fIsrcdir\fR\&. If omitted, all files in \fIsrcdir\fR (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used\&. .SH OPTIONS\ FOR\ THE\ SIGNJAR\ COMMAND .RE .PP -keyStore \fI\fR .RS 4 Keystore file name\&. .RE .PP -alias .RS 4 Alias for the key\&. .RE .PP -storePass .RS 4 Password to check integrity of the keystore or unlock the keystore .RE .PP -keyPass .RS 4 Password for recovering the key\&. .RE .PP -storeType .RS 4 Keystore type\&. The default value is "jks"\&. .RE .PP -outdir \fI\fR .RS 4 Name of the directory that will receive generated output files\&. .RE .PP -srcdir \fI\fR .RS 4 Base directory of the files to be signed\&. .RE .PP -srcfiles \fI\fR .RS 4 List of files in \fIsrcdir\fR\&. If omitted, all files in \fIsrcdir\fR (which is a mandatory argument in this case) will be used\&. .SH OPTIONS\ FOR\ THE\ MAKEALL\ COMMAND .RE .PP -appclass \fI\fR .RS 4 Qualified name of the application class to be executed\&. .RE .PP -preloader \fI\fR .RS 4 Qualified name of the preloader class to be executed\&. .RE .PP -classpath \fI\fR .RS 4 List of dependent JAR file names\&. .RE .PP -name \fI\fR .RS 4 Name of the application\&. .RE .PP -width \fI\fR .RS 4 Width of the application\&. .RE .PP -height \fI\fR .RS 4 Height of the application\&. .SH NOTES .TP 0.2i \(bu A \fI-v\fRoption can be used with any task command to enable verbose output\&. .TP 0.2i \(bu When the \fI-srcdir\fR option is allowed in a command, it can be used more than once\&. If the \fI-srcfiles\fR option is specified, the files named in the argument will be looked for in the location specified in the preceding \fIsrcdir\fR option\&. In case there is no \fI-srcdir\fR preceding \fI-srcfiles\fR, the directory where the javafxpackager command is executed will be used\&. .SH EXAMPLES \fBExample 1 -createjar Command Usage\fR .nf javafxpackager \-createjar \-appclass package\&.ClassName .fi .nf \-srcdir classes \-outdir out \-outfile outjar \-v .fi .nf .fi Packages the contents of the classes directory to outjar\&.jar, sets the application class to package\&.ClassName\&. .PP \fBExample 2 -deploy Command Usage\fR .nf javafxpackager \-deploy \-outdir outdir \-outfile outfile \-width 34 \-height 43 .fi .nf \-name AppName \-appclass package\&.ClassName \-v \-srcdir compiled .fi .nf .fi Generates outfile\&.jnlp and the corresponding outfile\&.html files in outdir for application AppName, which is started by package\&.ClassName and has dimensions of 34 x 43\&. .PP \fBExample 3 -makeall command Usage\fR .nf javafxpackager \-makeall \-appclass brickbreaker\&.Main \-name BrickBreaker .fi .nf \-width 600 \-height 600 .fi .nf .fi Does all the packaging work including compilation: compile, createjar, deploy\&. .PP \fBExample 4 -signJar Command Usage\fR .nf javafxpackager \-signJar \-\-outdir dist \-keyStore sampleKeystore\&.jks .fi .nf \-storePass **** \-alias javafx \-keypass **** \-srcdir dist .fi Signs all of the JAR files in the dist directory, attaches a certificate with the specified alias, keyStore and storePass, and puts the signed JAR files back into the dist directory\&. .RE .br 'pl 8.5i 'bp