
# Copyright (c) 1996, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.


# This script executes the Java interpreter, defines properties
# that correspond to the CGI 1.0 environment variables, and executes
# the class "sun.rmi.transport.proxy.CGIHandler".  It should be
# installed in the directory to which the HTTP server maps the
# URL path "/cgi-bin".
# (Configuration is necessary as noted below.)
# This class will support a QUERY_STRING of the form "forward=<port>"
# with a REQUEST_METHOD "POST".  The body of the request will be
# forwarded (as another POST request) to the server listening on the
# specified port (must be >= 1024).  The response from this forwarded
# request will be the response to the original request.
# Fill in correct absolute path to Java interpreter below.  For example,
# the "PATH=" line might be changed to the follow if the JDK is installed
# at the path "/home/peter/java":
# PATH=/home/peter/java/bin:$PATH
exec java \