
Java 7 packages for Debian.

Supported Debian versions

So far packages were tested on following Debian versions:

- jessie i386/amd64
- wheezy i386/amd64
- squeeze i386/amd64

New users of Debian Wheezy should cosider using java-package:

Packages are compatible with "official" Debian ones of Java 6, but
have a higher priority (use update-java-alternatives to switch between
Java versions).

I do not have resources to test packages on Ubuntu. However, if one
finds any problem on Ubuntu, feel free to report an issue and I will
try to resolve it.

For automated solution Ubuntu users can use:


To create packages on your own:

- apt-get install dpkg-dev
- git clone git://
- cd oracle-java7
- download jdk-7u45-linux-i586.tar.gz or jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz from
  (depending on your architecture)
- download from the same page under "Java
  Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy
  Files 7"
- dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
- install any missing packages that dpkg-buildpackage complains about
  and repeat


Oracle does not permit to distribute repackaged binaries of Java, so
be advised that hosting any public repository with Java packages is
probably illegal (at least in some parts of the world).

On the other hand, this repository contains only scripts, that allows
one to repackage Oracle Java in Debian friendly way. No binaries are
or will be hosted.


If this saved you some time you can thank me with some bitcoins: